Privacy Policy - Galerie Portraits

Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Your privacy is important to us. We therefore want to be transparent about what we intend to do with the information you entrust to us, i.e., about your personal data (hereinafter “Data”), not only because data protection laws require us to do so but also because we believe in honesty towards our users and customers. Please read this Privacy Policy carefully.

We will notify you in advance of any changes to this Privacy Policy and we will not make retroactive changes that reduce your rights to privacy unless legally required to do so and, under such circumstances, your consent will always be required. Moreover, you may opt out of the services offered on this site if you are not satisfied with the changes made.

Pursuant to the provisions of (EU) Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 (GDPR) Galerie Portraits informs you that by accepting this Privacy Policy you grant your express, free and unequivocal informed consent for the Data you provide to be treated by Galerie Portraits, as data controller, subject to the security, technical and organisational measures specified under current regulations.


Séfora Camazano (“Galerie Portraits”), is committed to protecting the privacy of visitors to our websites ( the “Website” ). In this privacy policy, we therefore explain how we do it and what happens to your personal information when you visit the site. The privacy policy also provides you with the necessary information so that you may consent to the processing of your personal information explicitly and in full knowledge of the circumstances.

In principle, Galerie Portraits processes all information and data you provide to Galerie Portraits through the Website or otherwise collected by Galerie Portraits through the Website in connection with the use of the Services (“Services”) described in more detail in Section 3 below, in accordance with the Terms of Use legal requirements and in an appropriate and transparent manner. In doing so, as explained below, Galerie Portraits relies on internationally accepted principles for the processing of personal data such as limitation of purpose, restriction of storage, minimization of data volume, data quality and confidentiality.

Warning for minors

If you are under 18 and have accessed this website without notifying your parents you must not register as a user.
Users under 18 are required to obtain consent from parents or guardians for their personal data to be processed.
On this website we respect and care for our users’ personal data. As a user, you should know that your rights are guaranteed.

The controller of your personal data

Trade Name: Galerie Portraits
Controller ID: Séfora Camazano
Address: Urb. Mas Camarena, Sector A – 46117 Bétera (Valencia), España


The present “privacy policy” was drafted in accordance with the provisions of the following regulations:

  • [Spanish] Act 34/2002 on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (hereinafter LSSICE)
  • EU Regulation 679/2016 of 27 April on General Data Protection (hereinafter GDPR)
  • [Spanish] Royal Legislative Decree 1/2007 of 16 November, approving the revised text of the General Law on Defence of Consumers and Users and other complementary laws
  • [Spanish] Act 7/1998 on General Contracting Conditions is protected, without any limitations, by the Laws on intellectual and industrial property of the Kingdom of Spain and applicable international treaties and conventions.

Information Processed

When you use the Website, Galerie Portraits collects and processes data relating to you (as a person) that identifies you, either alone or together with other information that has already been collected. Galerie Portraits can also collect and process data about others when you provide these to Galerie Portraits.

This information is referred to as ” Personal Information ” and may be collected by Galerie Portraits if you provide it voluntarily (eg by subscribing to the newsletter, or using Galerie Portraits services) or simply by analyzing your behavior the website.

Personal data that Galerie Portraits may process through the Website are:

a) Name, contact details and other personal information

In various areas of the Website – especially when you create an account on the Website – you are asked to provide information such as name, telephone / mobile number, email address, date of birth, country of residence, address, etc to indicate. If you register for certain services, you may also be asked for your preferred method of payment – PayPal, bank transfer, or credit card.

In addition, if you participate in surveys or other promotions on the Site, or if you communicate with Galerie Portraits through the contact information provided on the Site or Customer Service, you may be required to collect additional information that you provide.

b)  Job applications

If you register to apply for a job on the website, you will be asked to provide a variety of personal information, such as employment information ( eg CV, cover letter, professional qualifications, expectations and desired job, earliest possible entry, URLs etc.). The personal information you provide for this purpose will be processed by Galerie Portraits in accordance with the Privacy Policy published there.

c) Special categories of personal information

In certain areas of the website (such as the invitation request form), there are free text fields that you can use to provide Galerie Portraits with information or requests. Here also personal data can be entered.

As far as these text boxes are editable without any prescriptions, you could also (by mistake or intentionally) enter more sensitive personal information, such as data that allows for inferences about ethnicity, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, or membership in a union. The content you upload through these text boxes may also (by mistake or intentionally) contain sensitive information about you, such as genetic data, biometric data, or health, sexual or sexual orientation information.

Galerie Portraits, please do not disclose any such sensitive personal information on the website, unless you deem it absolutely necessary. Because passing on such information is purely optional, please always keep in mind that Galerie Portraits needs your explicit permission to process this type of personal information. Galerie Portraits therefore urges you to give your explicit permission to process this type of personal information if you decide to divulge it.

d) Other people’s personal information

As discussed in the previous section, you will find free text boxes in certain areas of the site where you can post messages to Galerie Portraits. These communications may (by mistake or intentionally) contain other persons’ personal information.

If you choose to share personal information with others, you are the independent data controller of that personal information and assume all the associated legal responsibilities and responsibilities. This implies, among other things, that you must fully indemnify Galerie Portraits for any complaints, claims or claims for damages resulting from the processing of such personal data by third parties whose personal data you have provided through the Website.

Because Galerie Portraits does not collect this type of data directly from others (but collects it indirectly from you), you must obtain permission from these individuals before you share information about them with Galerie Portraits. If you fail to do so, you must otherwise ensure that there are other reasonable grounds why you have the right to share this information with Galerie Portraits.

Purposes of Data Processing

Galerie Portraits intends to use your personal information collected through the Website for the following purposes:

To confirm your identity and to assist you if you have lost or forgotten username and / or password for any of Galerie Portraits’s services by logging in; so we can send you the Galerie Portraits information, if you’ve subscribed to it, to send you information that you specifically requested; or so that you can request a session invitation.

For future marketing or promotional purposes, such as direct marketing, market research and surveys via e-mail, SMS or telephone, banners, instant messaging, via an operator, traditional mails, through the Galerie Portraits social media pages related to Galerie Portraits products and services or to the selected third party (” Marketing “).

For future marketing or promotional purposes directly through marketing emails to you about products and services similar to those you have already purchased or requested on the Site (“Soft Spam”).

To create a user profile for you as a website user about the use of cookies and to collect and analyze information about the selection of pages and information you have made on the website and about your general activities on the website. This profile will then be used to provide you with information about other websites / services that you think we may be interested in and to show you information and advertising that may be of interest to you. The algorithms used in this processing are regularly reviewed to ensure fair and unbiased processing (“profiling”).

To comply with legal requirements that require Galerie Portraits to collect and / or further process certain types of personal data (“Legislative Compliance”).

To prevent and detect misuse of the Website or fraudulent activity that occurs through the Website (” misuse / fraud “).

Reasons for processing and mandatory / optional processing

The legal basis for the processing of your personal data by Galerie Portraits for the purposes stated above are as follows:

Provision of services :

Processing is essential for these purposes in order to provide the services and thus to be able to fulfill a contract with you. You are therefore required to provide Galerie Portraits with your personal information for these purposes. If you do not, Galerie Portraits will not be able to provide services for you.

Marketing :

Processing for this purpose may only be done with your permission. You are under no obligation to give Galerie Portraits this permission, and it will not affect you if you do not (except that you will not receive any further marketing information from Galerie Portraits). Any granted approval may be withdrawn at any time.

Soft Spam :

Processing for this purpose occurs because Galerie Portraits would like to send you, by email, information about products and services similar to those you have already purchased or requested on the Site. You may block these emails and it will have no effect on you (except that you will no longer receive such emails from Galerie Portraits) if you do so by disagreeing with the link provided below in the emails.

Profiling :

Processing for this purpose is subject to your approval, which is obtained through the banner cookie and / or a special check box. You are not required to give Galerie Portraits permission to use your personal information, and it will not affect you if you do not (except that you will not be able to benefit from the increased personalization of your website experience). Any granted approval may be withdrawn at any time.

Legal compliance :

Processing for this purpose is necessary for Galerie Portraits to fulfill its legal obligations. If you provide Galerie Portraits with personal information, Galerie Portraits must process it in accordance with applicable laws, for example, by storing and transferring personal information to authorities for taxation, customs, or other regulatory purposes.

Abuse / Fraud :

Information collected for this purpose will only be used to prevent and detect fraudulent activity or misuse of the Website (for potentially criminal purposes).

How long will we keep your data?

Personal data provided will be kept:

  • While the business relationship is active.
  • Until deletion is requested by the person concerned.

Data confidentiality and security

Galerie Portraits undertakes to the use and processing of users’ personal data, respecting their confidentiality and using them in accordance with the purpose thereof, and to comply with its obligation to keep it and adopt all measures to prevent alteration, loss, or unauthorized access, in accordance with the provisions of the current legislation on data protection.

This site includes an SSL certificate. This security protocol ensures that your data travels safely and completely, i.e. for the transfer of data between a server and website user to be fully encrypted.

Regarding processing confidentiality, Galerie Portraits will ensure that anyone who is authorised to process customer data (including its staff, partners and providers), will be under the appropriate duty of confidentiality (either a contractual or legal obligation).

When Galerie Portraits becomes aware of a security incident, it must notify the customer without undue delay and provide timely information regarding the Security Incident as the information becomes available or the Customer requests it within reason.

Security notification and gap reporting

In Galerie Portraits we adopt reasonable and appropriate measures to protect personal information from loss, misuse and unauthorised access, disclosure, alteration and destruction, taking into account the risks involved in processing and the nature of personal information. However, if Galerie Portraits determines that your details have been misused (including by an employee of Galerie Portraits), have been exposed to a security breach or improperly acquired by a third party, Galerie Portraits will inform you immediately regarding such security breach, improper appropriation or acquisition.

What are your rights when you provide us with your data?

Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether Galerie Portraits is processing personal data concerning them or not. Interested persons are entitled to:

  • Request access to personal data relating to the person in question
  • Request rectification or deletion
  • Request cancellation
  • Request limited treatment
  • Oppose treatment
  • Request data portability

Interested parties may access their personal data and request the correction of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request withdrawal when, among other reasons, the data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they were collected. Under certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limited processing of data, in which case I will only keep them for implementing or defending claims.

Under certain circumstances and for reasons relating to their particular situation, the interested parties may oppose the processing of their data by Galerie Portraits. At that time, Galerie Portraits will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate grounds, or for implementing or defending against any claims. As the interested party, you are entitled to receive your personal data which you have provided us, and in a structured, commonly used and machine readable format, and transmit them to another controller when:

  • The treatment is based on consent
  • The data has been provided by the person concerned.
  • The treatment is carried out by automated means.

By exercising your right to data portability, you will be entitled to have personal data transmitted directly from controller to controller where technically possible.

Those concerned parties shall also be entitled to an effective legal protection and file a complaint with the supervisory authority, in this case, the Spanish Data Protection Agency, if they consider that the processing of their personal data infringes the Regulation.

You can execute these rights online through, writing an email to or by letter addressed to Séfora Camazano, Urb. Mas Camarena, Sector A – 46117 Bétera (Valencia), Spain, indicating the rights you want to execute and a copy of your ID. We will answer you on the next 30 working days. 

Legal basis for handling your data

Accepting this privacy policy is required in order to contact, sign up or make comments on this website.

The legal basis for processing data from individuals who contract products or services offered by Galerie Portraits is the implementation of the sales contract.

Acceptance and Consent

Users acknowledge to have been informed of the personal data protection terms, duly accepting and consenting to the processing thereof by Galerie Portraits, in the manner and for the purposes stated in this privacy policy.

Spanish Data Protection Authority

The Spanish competent national supervisory authority is the Agencia Española de Protección de Datos (“AEPD”), which also represents Spain on the European Data Protection Board.

  • Address: C/Jorge Juan, 6, 28001 Madrid, Spain
  • Telephone: +34 901 100 099/ +34 91 266 35 17
  • Website:

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Galerie Portraits reserves the right to amend this policy to adapt it to new legislation or jurisprudence as well as industry practices. In such cases, Galerie Portraits will announce on this page any changes made with reasonable advance notice prior to implementation.